The Energy Protocol™

Take the first step to Health & Happiness now!

This self-assessment will determine where to focus your efforts. Come back to this assessment every other month or as life circumstances change. You are using code

Answer these 10 questions as honestly as possible. Consider each question as it pertains to your life in the last 60 days. The more critical you are about your current health and happiness, relative to where you would like to be, the better The Energy Protocol™ will serve you.


Feeling free from pain, illness and injury, and in your desired physical state.



Feelings of pleasure, contentment, joy, confidence, and satisfaction with your current situation in life.


Focus on

#1 Measure it

The first step to changing anything is to pinpoint what is preventing your success.

Start to pay attention to your environment and notice how what you read, watch, listen to and even say can impact your energy.

How much time are you spending on social media, news outlets, and streaming services?

You can also log your food and drinks to get a good idea what you need more of and less of.

Pro Tip: Get MyFitnessPal calorie-tracker app

#2 Eat real food - Do a 5 Day reset

A 5 day reset is simple pattern interrupt.

For 5 days, eliminate all processed food, dairy, sugar, and alcohol.

Eat lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats and drink lots of water.

Do you survive on caffeine? Consider eliminating or cutting your intake in half over the 5 days as well.

Need more coaching before trying a 5-Day Fuel Reset? Let us tell you all about it! Reach out to for a free consult.

#3 Hydrate

Drinking more water is one of the most important things you can do for your body. A good amount to aim for is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.

Water helps to flush toxins out of your system, increases your energy, keeps your skin fresh, prevents headaches, keeps your muscles and joints lubricated and pain free, and aids in weight-loss.

Pro Tip: drink an 8oz glass of water each morning before your coffee.

#1 Best Practices

Take some time to write down why things are going so well right now. What things are you currently doing to focus on movement, fuel, and recovery on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to keep your energy high?

Having this list helps prioritize the habits that keep your energy high and what will help you get back on track when life happens.

You can also log your food and drinks to get a good idea what you need more of and less of.

Pro Tip: Break that list down into 1-2 key daily, weekly, or monthly habits

#2 Barriers

What are the things that tend to diminish your energy to lead?

It happens to all of us; one of our kids needs extra attention, things are busy at work, our spouse is traveling, we get sick, a friend calls us in need, our roof is leaking - you name it! Things outside of your control will impact your energy.

There are also decisions you make that negatively impact your energy to lead. Make a list of your vices or ‘bad habits’ to keep you aware of their impact on your energy.

Pro tip: Reset your habits once a year by taking a 30-day break from just one of your unhealthy vices or ‘bad habits’

#3 Growth

Healthy and happy is a great place to be. How will you stay there? What bigger goals do you have for yourself - to keep your energy to lead at a high level? Get specific about monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals.

Pro Tip: Look for what is missing in your movement, fuel, and recovery. What is one thing you can add to your current routine that will take your health and happiness to the next level?

#1 Get specific with what you need/want the most

What do you think would give your energy and motivation a boost? Think about the things you were doing when you were last feeling your best. What do you enjoy doing?

Are you looking to gain strength, work on your cardiovascular endurance, or do you need increased flexibility and perhaps healing? Choose one area of focus for 3-4 weeks.

Pro Tip: Grab your journal and brainstorm your vision for the healthiest, happiest version of you.

#2 Put it on your calendar

When your movement for the day is on your schedule you make it twice as likely that you will get it done.

Look at your schedule at the start of each week and plan your workouts.

Choose the time of the day that is best for you and block that time in your calendar.

Pro Tip: Schedule something with a friend for built in accountability.

#3 Commit 10 minutes daily - no matter what

You can impact your health and boost your confidence and happiness with just 10 minutes of movement everyday. You might be tempted to skip it - don't! Consistency is what builds momentum. Ten minutes daily is a great place to start.

Pro Tip: Take a 10-minute walk outside to reap the mood-boosting benefits of sunshine.

#1 Revisit your values

Keeping your values front and center is one of the best ways to increase your confidence and experience joy in life.

Living life according to your values (things most important to you) provides support in decision-making and goal-setting.

Take time to revisit or identify your top 5 values, copy them onto 5 different post-it notes and place them in locations that guarantee that you are reminded of them daily.

Pro tip: Check in with your values each month, are you living them? What do you need to do more or less of to make sure that you are?

#2 Prioritize sleep

Sleep is so important to your health and energy. Research confirms, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Sleeping less has serious impacts on your health and happiness. Lack of sleep is associated with poor decision-making, increased illness, weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, increased joint pain, and irritability and stress.

Pro Tip: The first step is to make the time for sleep. Do the math, what time do you need to be asleep in order to get 7-9 hours?

#3 Give yourself permission

The barrier that keeps most people from taking care of themselves is the limiting belief that self-care is selfish. By taking care of yourself, you raise your energy levels. When your energy is high, you have more to give to the people in your life.

Pro Tip: Reframe 'self-care'. Does the phrase 'self-prioritization, preservation, protection or concern' say it for you better?

How do you compare?

E2LProfile.Org is collecting data across a wide array of people. While you should not take the following comparisons as an indicator of "good" or "bad" responses, it can be helpful to see how your responses compare to a large group of respondents.

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